Friday, December 3, 2010

7 Quick Takes Vol 9

1. Today is my younger son's 2nd birthday! Happy birthday Mark! You have filled our world with smiles and snuggles and we are so blessed to have you in our lives!

2. Along with this wonderful celebration, our family has been excited in finding out that we are expecting baby #3! The baby is due August 4th and I began my morning sickness the day we found out. One of the few times I truly feel blessed to be somewhat sick, although this might be a lesson in finding redemptive suffering in all times of pain.

3. Advent has begun! It is not always easy to remember with all the celebration that is taking place everywhere you go that Christmas begins on the 25th and that this time is our time in the desert to prepare, but it's one that Mr. ADM and I want to practice, remember and show our boys. Because of the pregnancy, I have not had the energy to do everything I'd like for this time, but we do have our Advent wreath up (along with our creche minus Jesus and the wisemen). The beautiful reflections from our beloved Pope Benedict XVI have helped guide us along this path. "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5).

4. Along with Advent and working on my store, sewing, I have been organizing and preparing for a wonderful event that is happening this Wednesday! We call it A BIG Fundraiser for little Logan. If you live in the area, please stop by and help a really great family who is near and dear to my heart. To find out more visit

5. Also, tomorrow our family will be attending a beautiful Christmas performance by the dance studio where my sister dances. It's called The Promise and tells the Christmas story through dance. Once again, if you are in the area and get a chance, this is a performance you don't want to miss - more information at

6. We had our first snowfall this week! I was so excited that I jumped out of bed and opened the curtains in the living room where we have our biggest window and got the boys to come over and we all ooohed and ahhhed. I hope my children have a love for snow like their mama. It was only a small dusting, but the weatherman says some heaftier accumulation tonight! We may have to dig for those snowboots tomorrow morning! Mr. ADM and I always burst out into the "Snow" song from White Christmas whenever it snows - I love our tiny tradition :).

7. I am determined to make it out to the Christkindl Market in Chicago this year. No and's, if's or but's about it. I've wanted to go for the past 3 years, since I discovered it and just have never made it to the city. I spent a semester studying abroad in college in a little town in Austria. Because I went my fall semester, I was able to take part in many Advent/Christmas traditions in that country - including several different Christkindl markets! I've been told that this one is great, so I'm really looking forward to it! Not only that, but I'm going to meet up with some wonderful friends who have been through my journey of motherhood the whole way through :).

God bless and have a great week!

For more 7 Quick Takes, stop by!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Writer's Block

I am not a naturally-gifted writer. The parts of English I aced were all math-related - grammar and writing objective essays. When it comes to being creative, my gifts lie in the areas where you tell me to make something, give me a pattern/a piece of music, and then I make it/play it/do it. Somedays, I think to myself, "Why did I ever decide to have a blog of my own?" I think it's because I hope for that creativity.

I do know I'm gifted. God blessed me with many talents. I love to play music and create things with my hands. I love being a mother and a wife. I love dancing, shopping (does that count as a talent?), and listening. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of that. But that doesn't mean this blog is going away. It just means that I need to stop telling myself I don't have the ability or talent to keep a blog going - I just need to go back to where my talents are and find some way to post it on this website :).

Happy and blessed Advent all!