Friday, April 29, 2011

7 Quick Takes volume ???

1. I'm excited to, at least temporarily, get back on the 7QT wagon again. It's been awhile, but in the last couple of weeks, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading other bloggers 7QT. They've made me chuckle and even caused my husband to laugh!

2. SUNSHINE!!! It's been one of the first gorgeous days of spring here and the boys and I soaked it up this morning. We went for a walk, where I had to convince aka force Mark to take off the crocs that were way too small and hurting his feet and switch them up with some flip-flops that he loved before he found his crocs. The boys discovered dandilions and picked a few and enjoyed walking and the few trees that are in our apartment complex. And of course, we blew bubbles as well :).

3. I rejoined my Catholic women's study group a couple of weeks ago. I had started out with them last fall when they were doing an ENDOW study and enjoyed it thoroughly (both the materials and the ladies). However, with all that had been going on this winter, I decided not to continue on with the next study. I didn't realize how much I missed the conversation and support until I went back for a book study. We are now reading This Tremendous Lover by M. Eugene Boylan, OCR. It's supposed to be an amazing book (I've only read the preface), but I'm looking forward to delving into more spiritual reading.

4. Speaking of spirituality, Mr. ADM and I are also planning to go see a premier of There Be Dragons, a movie about the Spanish Civil War and St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei. I actually do not know much about the saint or Opus Dei, but I am very excited to see this movie and plan to learn more!

5. There's a homeschooling conference coming in a week to where I live. Mr. ADM is not terribly convinced that we should attend, mostly because it costs money and because our oldest is only 4 yrs old. Tell me why we SHOULD attend, because I REALLY want to go! ;) But really, are there benefits for going when my oldest is only pre-school aged?

6. Days like today make me want to paint my toenails.

7. I worked like a madwoman yesterday afternoon to organize and rearrange the boys' room and closet to create a little nook for Matthew to have some quiet reading time while Mark naps. Here it is (the nook is in the closet) :)...

For more great Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Doing It by the Book

Mr. ADM and I have had many a conversation regarding sibling relationships. We want our kids to have close relationships with each other. So, this week, while at the library and browsing, I happened upon a book I had been interested in reading for sometime - Siblings Without Rivalry. It's a great read and I managed to get it all down in one sitting last night.

As I was reading, I'd summarize each chapter for Mr. ADM who was playing video games next to me (our kiddos were in bed). He was intrigued, impressed and optimistic about trying out some of the suggestions in the book. This is not the normal Mr. ADM who is all practicality and common-sense and very much not a fan of any psycho-babble books I bring into this house (except Dr. Ray, of course).

Today, Matthew had a meltdown. It involved his glass of chocolate milk, the gallon of milk, and his grandma (my mom) and a clashing off all the above. For some reason, this greatly upset Matthew to the point where he burst into tears and wouldn't stop crying. The crying part, I get. The crying for 10 minutes straight over spilled milk, I was little confused about. Grandma even apologized profusely and tried to give him hugs, which would almost instantly work for any other situation. Not today. The boy would not be consoled.

Much to my amazement, Mr. ADM whipped out our newfound, psycho-babble skills and started out.
Matthew: **SOB* (crying and crying)
Mr. ADM: "Are you upset?"
Matthew: (in between sobs) Yeeeeeeessssss.
Mr. ADM: "I bet that Grandma accidentally knocking your milk over must have hurt your feelings."
Matthew: (in between more sobs) Yeeeeeeessssss.

Mr. ADM then looked at me helplessly. We finally distracted Matthew enough to get him to the table to eat lunch and he was as good as new once we got him in his seat. Mr. ADM informed me this evening that he tried and then he forgot what came after the first step. I applauded him and informed him that I, too, drew a blank so that's why I stood there and watched. I guess we have more reviewing to go over before we try this out with the boys fighting... Hope you all had a blessed Palm Sunday!